Using Media in Class

Using media provides a number of advantages

Willingham (2009) asked, "Why do students remember everything that's on television and forget what we lecture?" The answer is because visual media helps students retain concepts and ideas.

Using media provides a number of advantages. Feature films, music videos, visualizations, news stories have very high production quality capable that showcasing complex ideas in a short period of time. Media also offers both cognitive and affective experiences. It can provoke discussion, an assessment of one's values, and an assessment of self if the scenes have strong emotional content.

Movie clips and YouTube videos are a familiar medium to students that helps gain attention and maintain student interest in the theories and concepts under discussion. Students can see the theories and concepts in action. Students can hone their analytical skills by analyzing media using the theories and concepts they are studying. More importantly, the use of media in the classroom enables students to see concepts and new examples when they are watching television, listening to music, or are at the movies with friends.

I use short media clips (usually 2-5 minutes) to highlight key concepts. My goal is to provide a unifying example that the class can use to better understand the material. Give it a try!

Looking for ways to spice up your classroom? Explore our Econ Media Library to find song lyrics, videos, examples and more to perfectly complement whatever topic you’re teaching.


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